It 'absolutely necessary to establish guidelines to increase their
First of all, every skill is improved supported with repetition, the same applies to the
Can not go wrong if your first rule is moderation. Never perform early
an excessive amount of jumps, especially if high-intensity plyometric. The high
joint stress could get that would form inevitably damage your
desire to improve. Makes your back and your knees receive the right
stress. Train-up your jump no more than three times weekly. The second rule
that will guide your program is simplicity. Some types of jumps are simpler and
more difficult to perform. It 's absurd to begin with difficulty levels wrong. We see
how to draw together a program bearing in mind certain principles.

The different phases of the jump

Established a period of time which can be for example of 10-12 months, it is divided
in stages. Each phase has a duration and a target. Division proposal is aimed at
a young athlete who wants to improve his jump and be ready to devote three
weekly sessions in this type of training.
1 - Initial phase of strength.
From the first day of training, the goal is to prepare the body to respond
to stresses which will undergo the following stages. You will need to build strength
General through the use of overloads and exploiting its weight force. In
this stage you have to jump at a moderate intensity. Flight times are low and
controlled. Better pay attention on the contact of the foot which must be instead
quick and responsive. The volume of exercises prevail over intensity. The number of jumps
should be around 100 to 150 for beginners, from 150 to 250 for intermediates
and above 250 for advanced.
2 - Phase secondary force.
Now the work force increases in intensity. The objective is to develop a level of
conditioning to support rapid movement and power. For example in the
squat with thigh parallel to the ground should raise at least its own weight
body. The work is extended to new jump plyometric exercises, but easy
motor running at low demand (such as jumping on the spot). The intensity increases, the
volume is lowered.
3 - Initial phase power.
In this phase are introduced numerous establishments whose aim is to apply the force
Based on explosive movements. The intensity remained high and the volume low. It '
necessary to successfully run the new pattern required. The squat should be performed with
of lower loads and dynamically, while the angle remains unchanged. Jumps
must begin to focus on execution speed.
4 - Final Stage of power.
Now go further increased the power and the ability to leverage its strength.
In the squat will try to further raise the speed of execution. Will
performed multiple jumps or vertical-specific technical movements at peak
capacity. The recovery will be longer. The moderate volume: 100 jumps for experts, 70
for others.

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