The workout that you improves in elevation and speed, as well as in cardiovascular efficiency

Thanks to the rapid shifts and changes of speed, with a time of rest your feet very short, this training will increase your explosive strength. Immediate benefits: more tone and muscle strength without increasing mass, as well as developing the elevation and improve your cardiovascular efficiency. Run 10 repetitions of each exercise and quickly passes from one to another, for recovering no more than 10 seconds. Finish the series, resting one to two minutes. Repeat 3-4 times, with 1-2 minutes of rest between a series and the other.

1. Knees to chest

Get ready with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees slightly. Jump on the spot as high as you can, bringing your knees to your chest. Lands balanced on both feet, bend your knees and stood again quickly the next hop.

2. squat jump

Keep your feet just wider than shoulders and his hands folded behind his head. Lower yourself until you have your thighs parallel to the ground, then jump as high as you can. Lands directly in the squat position from which you started to run after the detachment, without interruption.

3. Power skip

Jump on the spot, pushing as high as you can. Helped bringing the knee to the chest. Each time that raises a knee, even leaps high in the opposite arm, so as to give a good drive and increase the elevation. This exercise is much more effective than traditional skip.

4. Jumps in a zig-zag

You have to jump simultaneously upwards, forwards and outwards, alternating legs in a series of jumps in a zig-zag. While pushing with the left, sheds a little 'side and the far forward as possible and to the outside of the knee right. The next hop Invert legs.

5. fall braking

Parts with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, arms bent beside the thighs. Jump and ricadi with your knees bent and hips back. Lands, however, on the toes, heels that reach the floor. Hold the position 2 seconds, before leaving with the next hop.

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